About The Narrator
The narrator was looking for a way to share his projects to inspire (and possibly teach) others. He lets his heroes take the spotlight in a strip style set of images. Clearly chosen above other means due to laziness originality and ease of maintenance.
The narrator is an engineer during office hours and an engineer outside office hours.He is a dreamer that dreams up all kinds of crazy things he wants to have (or give). Unfortunately the shops of this universe have yet to find a way to be able to offer the products from these dreams automatically. Having insufficient funds to have the dreams made by others, the narrator sets outs on adventures of creating. Learning the required skills, knowledge on the way, and finally sharing his adventures with the greater public (Hello 🙂 ).
Heroes are dangerous! They posses great powers, but with these comes great responsibility for those who manage them. Safety precautions for managers and bystanders are often in order. Practice safety when using any heroes, and use the correct protection (when applicable) for eyes, ears, nose mouth, skin, bystanders, town or city and more where applicable!